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= shelter. An intact fleece felted and manipulated into a shape that fits the human body, rather than the sheep´s body. Wool, 120 x 170cm. Part of “Ode to the sheep”, shown at Grafíksalur, Reykjavík and Shetland Museum and Archives, 2017

One sheep´s fleece, hand felted.Leaving the fleece as intact as possible my hands start moving over the wool. Repetition and a rhythm take over and a meditative journey begins, until – finally - the fleece starts to change. The wool takes on a new shape and consistency. It morphs from a naturally grown fleece into a different kind of shelter.

Skjól,kindareyfi þæft í heilu lagi.Ég byrja að hreyfa hendurnar yfir reyfið sem er eins og það kom af kindinni. Endurtekning og taktur taka völdin, þar til að ullin fer  loksins að breytast og reyfið tekur á sig nýja mynd. Reyfið umbreytist og verður að annarskonar skjóli.